Take Charge of Your GSE Fleets!

Join Nick Holland at GSE on Thursday, September 19th and learn about VIRV’s swappable power system: One design that is compatible with existing fleets, one battery that is standardized for simplified maintenance, one service for increased efficiency and uptime.  

Swappable Power – Reducing capex while adding resiliency with renewable production and storage. Sept.19th, 10:00am – 11:00am at the Indoor Innovation Zone.

VIRV removes the millions of dollars associated with gate to gate charging infrastructure improvements and buildouts. By offering VIRV’s Battery as a Service platform you can save electrons and capital. Our centralized charging hub and standardized power systems within the GSE fleet allows VIRV to tap into existing or build out new distributed renewable energy generation on site or off providing the first real path to ground operations achieving net zero operations. A fleet of 1000 vehicles can provide resiliency and backup storage of up to 21MW.

GSE Expo Europe is the premier industry forum for uniting equipment suppliers with GSE customers. VIRV is honored to be speaking at the Innovation Zone, and we are looking forward to being part of a comprehensive line-up of top GSE suppliers.

If you’re interested in gaining insight into the latest industry trends in GSE, join us! 

Can’t wait until the show? Contact us today!



Take Charge of Your Power


A Swappable Modular Power System (@GSE Expo)